Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The sometimes gloom of winter in Venice has been lifted by Carnivale. 
 St. Marks Square is the best place to see elaborately costumed characters stop and pose.
Girls (above) greet arrivals at Santa Lucia, ready to apply make-up and lace.
The train ride up from Firenze was enlivened by a crazy lady
who got on the wrong train (mine) and thought hysterics would put things right.
They did not, and she was forced to ride with us between Padova and Mestre.
 Deliciously adding to the drama was her husband running alongside the departing train
 in Padova, signaling (to no avail) to her to get off.
Then of course, cell phones got involved. . . 

I was able to reserve a hotel room last night, no problem.
I am in a completely decent, very inexpensive (€48) room
in a hotel on the Grand Canal (Ca'Favretto).
The man at the restaurant where I ate lunch said things are bad.
There seem to be lots of tourists in the city, 
and that must count for something
but as before I sense here a real reluctance to spend.
Much of the stuff for sale is, quite frankly, junk: the type of stuff 
you just know you won't want to have at home.
The sights are so abundant and sumptuous, and they are free.
Absolutely every single person, 
whether walking, sitting, standing or riding is carrying a camera,
and each one is snapping away at everything.