Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Outdoor Markets

I am loving the outdoor markets here. Not just the amazing food available, but also that they comprise a snapshot of Italy that is untouched by tourism, obviously a daily ritual for many locals who come not only to buy, but to meet.
The markets open early and begin closing by 1p.m.
I am very lucky to be close to the excellent Mercato San Ambrosio, which has an indoor market as well, selling all sorts of take away delicacies. There is another market across the Arno in front of Santo Spirito: 
less food, more 'things', but fun to browse anyhow.

Today I stopped on my way home at La Ghiotta, the cantina rustica on via Pietrapiana. Check it out on Trip Advisor. I have eaten there many times, alone and with Greg;  you dive right into a family operation (brothers+), and they serve very good 'home' cooked food. 
It's a friendly place, hectic at lunchtime.
Tourists are always outnumbered by local regulars. 

Dodged raindrops here all day,
hoping for better tomorrow: Venice.