Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Last full day in Venice.
Glad to be here, but more glad to be heading home soon.
Capped the afternoon at Harry's Bar, a Bellini,
wished Bill could have been there to round out the enjoyment.

I suppose I could stay forever in Venice,
but I will not. Much for me too, happily, at home.

THINGS I have missed here:
My a.m. coffee, prepared the way I like it best
My beautiful cucina; comfy bed, made up just the way I like. . .
Speaking across miles, not MILES with friends
Being closer to Ginger
The Food Network and all that entails
Looking out to my beautiful backyard,
   dreaming of Springtime
Whole Foods
Decent home laundry facilities: large and sanely functional
a Big Bathtub and a soak therein
Fires in the fireplace
Articulating in my native language
and probably a few more things I can't recall right now. . . 

There truly is No Place Like Home.