Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yes, it's the city of Michelangelo, Botticelli, Masaccio
but my favorite is this
 frescoed Angelo annunciante by Jacopo Pontormo,
and you can find it at Chiesa di Santa Felicita, 
in the Cappella Barbadori-Capponi, 
right inside the front door.
For 1€ you can illuminate the tiny chapel
and listen to a veddy british lady
give encyclopedic particulars
often sought by tourists.
But really, just to look is enough.
The Angel floats in space, 
weightless, as an angel should.
It's one of my most very favorite spots
in Florence, and has been since I found it,
years ago.
After you look at the Angel, 
it's nice to sit in one of the pews, and wait; 
 the peaceful presence of ancient, pious souls still fills
the space, it will gather around you and you will sense it;
it can't be otherwise.