Monday, January 30, 2012

I guess it's fitting that we've ended the trip to Firenze on a high note;
had dinner tonight - the Last Supper -  at Casalinga.
They've changed things there somewhat, schematically speaking,
a new dining room open, the old space in back shut, for renovation.

Some things are the same however: great food, low prices,
a bit of a dance with the waiter going in, not so much to see 
who will prevail, but more about how it will all go down.
You give a little, you stand your ground a little,
and somehow after 10 or 15 minutes, everyone seems 
to be on the same page, and a pleasurable evening
gets underway.

The standing your ground part is important,
otherwise you could be reduced to tears,
or frustration, or something else not conducive 
to a very nice time, egos intact, tummies full.