Saturday, December 31, 2011


It was still dark when I flew into Milan this morning.
I rode the big Malpensa Express bus with 3 others 
to downtown Milan's Centrale station and caught
an early train heading west, to Torino.
It was a 10euro, 2 hour ride with lots of stops and
I arrived here around 10 a.m. with my new and uninvited companion,
my cough.
I have, however, lots of company; I hear the same distressed hack from others everywhere,
and at least I can forget worrying about catching it.
 It's a real damn nuisance, and strikes very stealthily:
I can be perfectly fine one moment,
then the next, tickle, tickle, I must cough, but in fact
coughing does little to quell the itch, 
and after awhile it goes away on its own mysteriously as it came,
often not before I've caused a mighty and very public ruckus.

. . . received clarification that Turin is the name used by English speakers
while Italians say Torino.
I always knew it was the same place but didn't know the distinction.
Anyway, Torino (as I shall, now here, refer to it,)
is a wonderful town with, I suppose,
vestiges still of civic improvements put in place for the Winter Olympics
held here 6 years ago in 2006.

After stashing my stuff, I set out at once to explore
the streets around the hotel, and was pleased with every turn I made.
For New Year's Eve, everywhere today were aloners like me,
couples, and families, lots of families comprised of generations, young to old.
I happened upon EATALY, Torino-style, and marveled 
at the difference between it and its over-the-top, chaotic NYC counterpart.*
Back in my room tonight, a drunk, or some otherwise happily disposed person
is serenading me and all others within earshot from his perch
on the stone-cut street below my window.
Happy 2012 to him and to every one, every where.

*there is, I discovered, another, much larger EATALY out by the Fiat factory.
in Lingotto, just outside of Torino.