Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This is the part of the trip when I am neither here nor there because things are packed: things I still need but are already packed, and those things I don't need anymore that are not yet packed and am wondering where to put it. I know I have said this before, but 'next time' I am coming with just a backpack that will have in it: my laptop (with its unfortunately cumbersome but essential power supply. . . does Apple make a mini cord?), one camera/lens, iPod, and that is it. Oh, and a toothbrush. Will wear my Wellies for the inevitable winter rains, and buy some Uggs-like boots for 1/4 the price here. Everything else too I can buy here, inexpensively, and then buy an equally inexpensive suitcase at the end of the trip to lug those things I've grown fond of one way only: home. I have had this plan before and then some insanity and forgetfulness always creeps in, whispering that I will need this and that, when in fact I do not, never have, never will. Italy is on a par with or beyond the US as far as consumer goods; there is nothing I can't obtain here, and by now I know as well where to get it all. All about discipline, and memory. I am getting to the point in my life where I won't be able to travel anymore, not happily at least, unless I pare things down to practically nothing, certainly to that which I can carry easily, on my back, hands free.
 Walked the city over and over today, visiting one last time all my favorite and memorable spots, including this orto-frutta stand with its ever-so-nice owner, stood a long time in Piazza della Signoria, soaking in all the energy that flows wildly through that place when it is full of tourists, as it was.