Friday, February 14, 2014

It's breaking my heart to see these Olympic skaters fall.
Even I can imagine the work that went into getting
to the competition, a dream: The Olympics.
The skater comes onto the ice, you know they've
completed their routines perfectly in practice a thousand times,
and something happens; a thought, a momentary lapse 
in concentration, the failure of the inner gyroscope. 
Boom, down they go, one after another
or eliminate a maneuver, and suddenly the dream, 
in an instant, is crushed. 
Breaks my heart. . . 

In Venezia tonight, in and out all day,
probably will be out again after the skaters are done.
A magnificent day, warm, deep blue sky.

Carnivale commences tomorrow, and already
the streets are full. Throw Valentine's Day
into the mix and the effect is doubled.

Baci. . . xo