Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Venice is having a Cold Snap: windy and highs of 30º, cloudy, damp.
It is necessary to wrap oneself in layer upon layer, along with hats, scarves, gloves.
We set out this a.m., big shot tourists, and promptly got lost in the Castello,
going round and round the same empty campos, hitting the same dead ends. 
To approach the Grand Canal to look for a vapporetto 
meant risking being blown into the water. No people, no cafes, nothing.
We passed the same deserted church 4 times, each time thinking, 
"Aha, now we've found the way out."
But no. Finally, somehow, we were able to merge 
into a group of walkers headed one way, 
and at last, again, the familiar yellow signs overhead: 
Per San Marco, Per Rialto >  >  >  >
The outer, unmarked edges of Venice are closed up tight.